How does one undo an account put on alert? (The Criminal Investigation Bureau)
With regard to how to undo a bank account alert case, to expeditiously assist members of the public undo an alert account request, the Police Administration has since December 20, 2006 issued a Police Jin-Shu-Xing-Zhen-Tzu No. 0950006768 directive for forwarding the “General public’s alert account undo application” and letter responded a financial institution alert account undo standardized letter for all policy agencies to support the implementation.
You are kindly request to log on via your computer to the Yahoo Web page (at
yahoo) and enter the keyword “Undo alert account” to search the field and also obtain a printout of the foresaid application form, fill out the relevant content and follow the application’s “entry description” to complete the application and include relevant information, which will facilitate the police institution to assist in the process.