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Criminal Investigation Bureau, National Police Agency


News Releases

Publish Date:2024-07-23

Update Date:2024-07-23

Units:Criminal Information Division

Taiwanese arrested in Bali, Indonesia. Taiwan-Indonesia cross-border collaboration mechanism was launched to repatriate 11 fugitives of Taiwan nationality.
一、Handling Departments: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta, Indonesia, National Immigration Agency, Taiwan Taichung District Prosecutors Office, International Criminal Affairs Division of CIB, 6th Investigation Corps.

二、Time of Seizure: June 26, 2024.

三、Location of Seizure: Bali Province, Indonesia

四、Suspects Arrested in Indonesia:11 fugitives of Taiwan nationality (10 male and 1 female).

五、Case Summary:
(一)Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta, Indonesia, received reports from the Directorate General of Immigration, Republic of Indonesia that multiple people of Taiwan nationality were arrested on June 26, 2024. The suspects were suspected of engaging in activities other than the purpose stated on the entry permit and scamming Chinese in Malaysia.
(二)Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta, Indonesia, immediately visited the Directorate General of Immigration, Republic of Indonesia to discuss the matters related to Taiwan-Indonesia collaboration. Under the premise of respecting the judicial sovereignty of Indonesia, Taiwan sent personnel to Indonesia in order to repatriate fugitives of Taiwan nationality and to exchange criminal intelligence. Nonetheless, Taiwan’s officers would not collect evidence and interrogate the suspects locally in Indonesia. The Criminal Investigation Bureau screened and investigated the case to discover 11 fugitives of Taiwan nationality involved. The police liaison officer in Indonesia continued to negotiate proactively and finally, the Indonesian government agreed for the CIB to send personnel to Indonesia to escort fugitives of Taiwan nationality to return to Taiwan.
(三)Determined to combat borderless crime acts, the CIB strengthens the investigation of Taiwanese fugitives on the run, who were engaged in offshore criminal acts. The CIB also establishes intelligence sharing and joint prevention mechanisms with the law enforcement of all countries. The CIB specifically calls for citizens to take deliberate evaluation when working overseas, suggesting them not to take any chance engaging in illegal acts, by doing so could face double jeopardy from the local country and Taiwan, as crimes don't pay.