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Criminal Investigation Bureau, National Police Agency


News Releases


Publish Date:2023-05-30

Update Date:2024-05-02

Units:Criminal Information Division

Renovation Fraud! Million Dollar Scam Busted(112-02-14)
  1. Investigating Unit: CIB 9th Investigation Corps; Dajia Precinct, Taichung City Police Department; 4th Precinct, Tainan City Police Department.
  2. Date: January 31, 2023.
  3. Location: Tainan City.
  4. Suspect: Chen (Born 1995).
  5. Evidence: 1 mobile phone.
  6. Case summary:
    1. Investigations by the CIB 9th Investigation Corps revealed that a suspect surnamed Chen, who manages a system kitchen Facebook page, was involved in multiple cases of fraud from March to October 2022. Chen would post numerous photos of refurbished system kitchens to lure in victims and personally take measurements of their kitchens upon being contacted, leading many victims to be unsuspecting of him. However, victims would only realize that they had been scammed when Chen would vanish without a trace after being paid a deposit. These victims would later report Chen to police authorities, with the 9th Investigation Corps undertaking the investigation.
    2. Further investigations found that Chen had many years of experience in system kitchen services and was deeply familiar with its contract process. Chen would scam his victims by offering his company business card and his previous work to gain the trust of his victims.
    3. After reviewing available information and assisted by information provided by the victims, the CIB 9th Investigation Corps managed to gain knowledge of Chen’s whereabouts and received approval from the Taiwan Hsinchu District Prosecutors Office for an arrest warrant. On January 31, 2023, the CIB 9th Investigation Corps; Dajia Precinct, Taichung City Police Department; and 4th Precinct, Tainan City Police Department arrested Chen and seized the mobile phone that he used to commit fraud. In all, Chen was responsible for 25 victims and a financial loss of up to NTD1.33 million in total. The Taiwan Hsinchu District Prosecutors Office is now preparing a fraud case against Chen.
    4. When looking for renovation companies online, the CIB would like to kindly everyone the importance of checking the company’s previous work as well as ensuring clear communication beforehand. In addition to paying close attention to the contract, fraud can be avoided by proper review and payment in accordance with each stage. If you have any suspicions or questions, please call the Anti-Fraud Hotline “165”.